By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
Over the past four weeks, which was created almost a decade ago to help to connect Kingston residents to its local government so to encourage transparency and better communication, has become the hub for information for our entire region regarding the proposed Niagara Bottling Company project.
Without a doubt, the project concerns are many. But it is the potential of selling our most precious natural resource – the public’s water to a national bottling company – that is our most pressing concern. Sure, many of us would like to eliminate plastic bottles. Some may not be fond of ‘Corporate America’ (as Supervisor Quigley proclaimed last week on-air). But the real problem here….is the concept of selling off the public’s WATER to a national bottling company. You can’t compare it to beer, to milk, to soda. We are talking about millions and millions of gallons of water each day being drained from our water source. There isn’t any comparison.
Kingston Common Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 4th, 2014
Kingston City Hall
Council Chambers
420 Broadway
Kingston, NY
The Kingston Common Council will vote to pass through two important memorializing resolutions. The first in support of the DEC as Lead Agency of the SEQR process for the proposed Niagara Bottling Company. The second in support of the City of Kingston being listed as ‘involved’ agency in the SEQR process. READ: SEQR: Interested vs. Involved Agencies
By Rebecca Martin
Today, we received a copy of the the ‘Will Serve’ letter (we had heard others and ourselves had been calling it a ‘Will Share’ letter. The proper term is ‘Will Serve’) issued by the Kingston Water Department to Niagara Bottling, LLC on September 15th, 2014.
It was done the day before Peter Romano of The Chazen Companies gave their presentation to the Town of Ulster Planning Board on September 16th (click on link to listen. Romano’s presentation begins at 1:15:26), 2014. As you recall, the Planning Board that evening agreed to pass ‘Lead Agency’ of the SEQR process along to the Town of Ulster Town Board. A resolution passed on September 18th, 2014 for The Town of Ulster as ‘Lead Agency‘ (click on link to listen. The Town Board discussion on Lead Agency begins at 16:30).
The letter ends by saying “Please let me know if this meets your requirements so that we can execute a more formal agreement that is acceptable to both parties” and “The Board of Water Commissioners looks forward to working with Niagara and welcomes you to the City of Kingston.”
By Rebecca Martin
This is a great primer for the Planning Board meeting this evening created by Jennifer Schwartz Berky, a Kingston resident and planning professional. It should help you a great deal in following along.
Recently, we reached out to the DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) to see if we could receive a copy of the most recent Water Supply Permit by the City of Kingston. They asked that we FOIL (NYS’s Freedom of Information Law) for their records, which we did.
By Rebecca Martin
Last night the Town of Ulster Town Board expanded both their ‘Involved’ and ‘Interested’ Agency list on a “Revised Resolution on Notice of Intent to Declare Lead Agency” (see pages 38 – 44) for the Niagara Bottling Facility project.
We are disappointed that involved parties don’t also include the Town of Woodstock, City of Kingston and Town of Esopus.
By Rebecca Martin
The following is information on what to expect at the upcoming Town of Ulster Town Board and Planning Board meetings.
The Kingston Conservation Advisory Council did a great job hosting a public meeting this evening with guest Water Department Superintendent Judy Hansen.
Thank you to the Kingston CAC, League of Women’s Voters, Judy Hansen and Clark Richters of Kingston News who filmed the event for the public.
Brought to you by
By Rebecca Martin
These are the important marks to hit as we enter into a new week regarding the Niagara Bottling Company Proposal:
* All week long *
CALL Martin Brand regional director of the NYS DEC region-3. 845/256-3033. Request that the DEC be lead agency for the SEQR review of the Niagara Bottling Company proposal. You can email him too at:
* Tuesday, October 14th 6:30pm – 8:30pm *
ATTEND the upcoming Kingston Conservation Advisory Council Meeting on Tuesday, 10/14 at 6:30pm. Water Department Superintendent Judy Hansen is scheduled to be present to answer questions regarding Kingston’s Water Supply as it pertains to the proposed Niagara Bottling Co. Project. The Kingston CAC meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 at City Hall. These meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be held in council chambers, the large room on the top floor of Kingston City Hall. This event will be filmed.
* Wednesday, October 15th – 8:10am *
CALL in at 8:10am and ask Mayor Shayne Gallo all of your questions regarding the Niagara Bottling Company proposal. WGHQ 920 AM 845/331-9255 See their SCHEDULE
* Thursday, October 16th – 7:10am *
CALL in at 7:10am and ask Town of Ulster Jim Quigley all of your questions regarding the Niagara Bottling Company proposal. WGHQ 920 AM 845/331-9255 See their SCHEDULE
By Rebecca Martin
The Niagara Bottling Co. project is looking to come to the area taking advantage of the ‘Start-Up NY” initiative (‘Start-Up NY’ helps you start, expand or relocate your qualified business to a tax-free zone in NY State’)
In simple terms, that means that if they were to ever come to Tech City in the Town of Ulster, their taxes would be abated for 10 YEARS. Does that include school tax too?
By Rebecca Martin
Call-in to ask questions regarding the Niagara Bottling Proposal to both City of Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo and Town of Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley on WGHQ 920 AM. 845/331-9255
Mayor Shayne Gallo: 8:10am
Wednesday, October 15th
Town of Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley: 7:10am
Thursday, October 16th
Hit it Kingston citizens.
View their schedule HERE
Kingston Conservation Advisory Council: Monthly Meeting/Special Presentation
with Kingston Water Department Superintendent Judy Hansen
Tuesday, October 14th
Kingston City Hall, Council Chambers
By Rebecca Martin
We are pleased that the Kingston Conservation Advisory Council has quickly organized a meeting to host Kingston Water Department Superintendent Judy Hansen. She will be giving an overview of the Kingston Water Supply and Distribution system, present the details of the Niagara Bottling Proposal as it pertains to the City of Kingston and the scope of what the involvement/authority/commitment the City of Kingston would have into the project.
The League of Women Voters of the Mid Hudson Region will moderate the public Q&A period following the Kingston Conservation Advisory Committee Council members have their own public Q&A period with Hansen. Questions will be requested in writing prior to the meeting.
Below is the agenda and ground rules for the public.
Kingston is fortunate to have a Conservation Advisory Council with many years of environmental experience. The group has sponsored many great INITIATIVES that includes CLIMATE SMART KINGSTON that embraces comprehensive policies and programs for the City of Kingston to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance operational and energy efficiencies, reduce energy costs, support local job growth, and adapt to a changing climate while improving quality of life, saving taxpayer dollars and promoting social justice. It’s a document that Judy Hansen as of Wednesday hadn’t yet read, or distributed to the Water Board.
READ more to learn about the members and their long standing history on environmental matters. City of Kingston employees Gregg Swanzey (Director, Office of Economic Development & Strategic Partnerships) and Julie Noble (Chair, and Environmental Educator) are both members. will be filming this meeting.
For more information on this meeting, contact Julie Noble at:
By Rebecca Martin
Tonight, it occurred to me. How many of us in Kingston are drinking water out of bottles?
What if everyone drank from the tap in Kingston instead? How many millions of new gallons would we be consuming?
Take the tap challenge!