As the City of Kingston contemplates a trash fee for non-profits, see story in today’s Freeman here, it’s important to discuss this issue as a community. The Freeman story notes that residents and commercial property owners carry the financial burden left over from non-profits who don’t pay for trash pick-up. The story also notes that putting in place a fee would also force non-profits to recycle more of their waste.
On the other hand, non-profits would likely argue that they too are as strapped for cash as any homeowner or business owner is due to the recession and a lack of funding.
Either way, this sheds light on a larger issue that has loomed in Kingston for some time regarding the large number of non-profits within the city and the large percentage of property that is off the tax rolls as a result.
With this in mind, we’d like to encourage you to weigh in on this topic. Do you think non-profits should pay a fee for trash, or perhaps other city services? Should non-profits be paying property taxes? Why or why not?
I hear the percentage of property that is non-taxable is nearing 60% in the city. This number seems to be going up. There always seems to be a new group home of some sort moving to take advantages of the services of the city. Now, the people that are made to pay are near their breaking point. Whether it is DPW, Police or Fire, city services are surely soon to be cut. Who profits then?
Paying for the trash they generate is a good place to begin. Do they pay for water and sewer? If not, hit them again. Every time an EMS call is generated for a “toothache, headache or stomach ache,” or some other frivolous call, charge the facility.
These facilities need to become a part of the community instead of taking from it.
Make these organization pay. Make the city less attractive to these not for profits or non-profits and maybe they will find a home somewhere else in the county. Its time that some of the surrounding communities like “low tax” Olive or Ulster start picking up the tab for the welfare state that Kingston has become.
Thanks for your comments. Where did you hear the 60% figure? Last year, several elected officials said the percent of non-taxable property was about 40%.
— Arthur Zaczkiewicz
I think it’s an excellent notion. A great way for a bit of balance on this topic.
Certainly saving an estimated 200K per year for starters — is important. Learning better habits in keeping recyclables and food waste (for compost) out of the trash is as important. I’m not sure how aware the general public is that a good deal of trash is hauled far, far away from here. Being more careful with the amount of landfill space left should be made a top priority for every reason.
A savings, by the way, is great – depending on those managing it….