Committee to Address Accessibility on Key Rondout Streets

This just came in from Lei Isaacs:

Hi folks!

This Thursday night (night after tomorrow) the Public Safety Committee of the Kingston Common Council will be meeting at 7 p.m. at Kingston City Hall. Among the items to be discussed will be a proposal by Alderman Senor of the Eighth Ward changing some of the parking patterns in Kingston’s Gallery District.

It is my understanding that he will be proposing a “Loading Zone” by the corner of Spring and Broadway, and two parking spaces reserved for person’s with mobility challenges down the street a bit by Donskoj Gallery. As most of you know, ASK is embarking on a wonderful project to improve its accessibility to persons with physical challenges, and this consumer base is going to need to be able to park closer to the galleries that over in the police station parking lot!

Please forward this to other artists (and persons with physical challenges)(and persons who are both, of course) whose e-dresses I don’t have. A big turnout at the meeting will ensure constructive discussion and will show the Public Safety committee that there is support for these changes! If the proposal is recommended by the Public Safety Committee, it can go to a vote of the whole Common Council.

Lei Isaacs (founder, “Restore Access Ward 9”)

Ev Mann on Carnegie Library Project

Robert ‘Evry’ Mann, founder of the Center for Creative Education, took some time with the blog to update the community on the next steps in the Carnegie Library Project as well as why this work is important for youth of our community. He also said the Bank Street College of Education approved a proposal to work with CCE to develop an academic program at the Carnegie Library.

Editor’s Note: I was going to format like a traditional Q&A, but thought his responses work well as a straight narrative.

— Arthur Zaczkiewicz

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