South Pine Street Garden Makes First Food Donation to Queens Galley

Farmer Frank and Rebecca Martin making a delivery of turnip greens to the Queens Galley from the South Pine Street Garden. Photo credit: Kevin McEvoy

The South Pine Street Childrens/Community Garden off of Greenkill Avenue in Ward 5 made a large food donation of Turnip Greens to Queens Galley.

The first volunteer clean-up of the lot organized by Operation Frontline Coordinator Lee Anne Albritton took place on Saturday, June 19th. Part of its mission is to provide some of the crops harvested to the Queens Galley (the city of Kingston’s Soup Kitchen). All involved are most grateful for the generous support of the Davenport’s, Binnewater, and the neighbors surrounding the garden as it grows.

If you are interested in gardening a plot or making a donation of plants, soil, compost, tools or a monetary contribution you can contact Lee Anne at:

-Rebecca Martin

VISIT the city of Kingston’s Garden Yahoo! Group

READ recent piece on gardens in the city of Kingston

2 thoughts on “South Pine Street Garden Makes First Food Donation to Queens Galley”

  1. Just got back from Washington, DC. Went to the museum of American History at the Smithsonian. I saw the signs for the original Victory Gardens and currently outside the cafeteria at the museum there is a garden growing(with the Victory signs posted) that supplies the vegetables to the cafeteria. Was amazed at the healthy food they served. So much better than the fast food served at the Air and Space museum.


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