A Helpful Guide to the City of Kingston 2017 Primary Elections.


The 2017 primary election will occur on Tuesday, September 12th. The polls are open from noon – 9:00 pm.

We know that primary elections can be confusing, and that’s why we created a guide intended to help City of Kingston residents successfully vote for their candidate tomorrow.  Please be in touch if you notice any errors or to make suggestions in the comment section.

The best of luck to all candidates.  Get out and vote Kingston citizens!





Can I vote in in the City of Kingston 2017 primary elections?
In a closed primary a registered voter may vote only in the election for the party with which that voter is affiliated. For example a voter registered as Democratic can vote only in the Democratic primary and a Republican can vote only in the Republican primary.

How can I find what district or ward I live in in the City of Kingston?
Please view the City of Kingston Ward map HERE

How can I find my polling place?
You can find your polling place  HERE

What does it mean if someone is listed on the ballot?
When a candidate’s name is listed on the ballot, it means that they are in an actual primary (such as in the Kingston Common Council race in Ward 8).  The other ward races are OTB primaries, where only endorsed candidates are listed.  The others must be written in.

What does “Opportunity to Ballot” mean? (OTB)
An “Opportunity to Ballot” (or write-in) means voters affiliated with the party that is on the ballot are free to write any individual’s name in. For instance, if you are a Republican and you have the option to write-in a candidate in your ward or district, you may do so instead of voting for the listed candidate.  An opportunity to ballot is the result of petitioning within an election district and if valid petitions are submitted with enough signatures, this opens the ballot for a write-in.

Where can I find information about the party’s in this year’s City of Kingston primary race?
In this year’s 2017 City of Kingston Primary races,  the following party’s are involved (in alphabetical order):

The Ulster County Conservative party can be found on FACEBOOK.

The Ulster County Democrats can be found HERE.  The City of Kingston Democrats can be found HERE.

Not to be confused with the “Independent” party, the Ulster County Independence party can be found on FACEBOOK for more information.

The Ulster County Republican party’s website can be found HERE.



The following is a simple guide for the City of Kingston, NY’s 2017 Primary Elections.   You may also view sample ballots HERE

Are we missing something? Please let us know in the comment section of this post.



WARD 5:  City of Kingston Common Council

Q: Who can vote on Primary Day in Ward 5?
A: If you are a registered Democrat, you can vote in the Ward 5 primary election. 

Q: How do I know if I live in Ward 5?
A: You may confirm which ward you are in as well as your polling place by viewing the following links:
VIEW: City of Kingston Ward Map
VIEW: Find your polling place  

Q: Who are the known candidates in this race? 
A:  As an OTB race for the Democratic line, William F. Carey (D)  VIEW  is listed as the endorsed Democratic candidate.  Any others must be written-in.  

Teryl Mickens (I)  VIEW   is seeking Democratic votes as a write-in during the primary.



WARD 7:  City of Kingston Common Council


Q: Who can vote on Primary Day in Ward 7?
A: If you are a registered Democrat or Republican, you can vote in the Ward 7  primary election.

Q: How do I know if I live in Ward 7 and where do I vote?
A: You may confirm which ward you are in as well as your polling place by viewing the following links:
VIEW: City of Kingston Ward Map
VIEW: Find your polling place  

Q: Who are the known candidates in this race? 
A: As an OTB race for the Democratic line, Bryant Drew Andrews (D/WF)  VIEW  is listed as the endorsed Democratic candidate.  Any others must be written-in.

As an OTB race for the Republican line without an endorsed candidate, others must be written-in.

Patrick O’Reilly (C/I)  VIEW  is “registered as a ‘non-enrolled voter’ and actively seeking both the Republican and Democratic votes as a write-in (OTB) during the Primary” as per the Daily Freeman


WARD 8:  City of Kingston Common Council


Q: Who can vote on Primary Day in Ward 8?
A:  If you are a registered Democrat or Independence party member, you can vote in the Ward 8 primary election.  

Q: How do I know if I live in Ward 8 and where do I vote?
A: You may confirm which ward you are in, as well as your polling place by viewing the following links:
VIEW: City of Kingston Ward Map
VIEW: Find your polling place

Q: Who are the known candidates in this race? 
A:  Ward 8 is an actual primary, with three candidates running for the Democratic line.  They are (in order of the ballot)  James Rodden (R/I)  VIEW ,  Cassandra Burke VIEW and  Steve Schabot (D/WF)  VIEW who is the endorsed Democratic candidate

As an OTB race for the Independence line, Rodden is listed as the endorsed Independence candidate. Any others must be written-in.  


DISTRICT 5 (Wards 1,2, and 4)
Ulster County (UC) Legislator (City of Kingston)


Q: Who can vote on Primary Day in District 5 for the UC Legislator race?
A:  If you are a registered Democrat living in Wards 1, 2 or 4, you can vote in the District 5 Ulster County Legislator primary election. 

Q: How do I know if I live in Wards 1, 2 or 4 and where do I vote?
A: You may confirm which ward you are in, as well as your polling place by viewing the following links:
VIEW: City of Kingston Ward Map
VIEW: Find your polling place

Q: Who are the known candidates in this race? 
A:  The District 5 Ulster County Legislature race is an actual primary, with two candidates running for the Democratic line.  They are (in order of the ballot)  Lynn M. Eckert (D/WF)  VIEW who is the endorsed Democratic candidate  and  Peter Loughran  VIEW



DISTRICT 6  (Wards 3, 5, 9)

Ulster County (UC) Legislator (City of Kingston)

Q: Who can vote on Primary Day in District 6 for the UC Legislator race?
A: If you are a registered Conservative living in Wards 3, 5 or 9,  you can vote in the District 6 Ulster County Legislator primary election.

Q: How do I know if I live in Wards 3, 5 or 9 and where do I vote?
A: You may locate which ward you are in, as well as your polling place by viewing the following links:
VIEW: City of Kingston Ward Map
VIEW: Find your polling place

Q: Who are the known candidates in this race? 
A:  As an OTB race for the Conservative line without an endorsed candidate, others must be written-in.

Jean Jacobs (R/I)  VIEW  is seeking the conservative vote as a write-in (OTB) during the Primary.

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