By Rebecca Martin
Attached is video from tonight’s Town of Ulster Town Board meeting (11/6/14). Public comment begins at 29:10 where the board (i.e. Supervisor James Quigley) defensively answers questions regarding the Niagara Bottling Plant proposal. The questions posed include those on infrastructure costs, trailor truck traffic, City of Kingston resolutions, tax implications and a request to learn of any analysis on the fiscal benefits/costs of the Niagara project. Residents were told that the TOU is awaiting the start of the SEQR process and has done no preliminary research or has any information to share.
What confidence should the people be expected to have in a municipality wanting ‘Lead Agency’ in SEQR, on a proposal that may have unprecedented regional consequences, without having any preliminary factual information at all? With that being the case, Supervisor Quigley in his comments concludes that the City of Kingston’s Water Department through this proposed water sale will receive monies to cover $16,000,000 in infrastructure repairs (although in Superintendent Judy Hansen’s powerpoint, the costs portrayed are closer to $18,000,000) and will keep the cost of resident’s water bill from rising by at least 30%. Without any factual preparation, what is he basing this on? The City of Kingston’s Water Department doesn’t even have a final copy of an engineering report it hired a consultant to create back in the Spring.
Can one assume then that all of the information portrayed by our elected officials in favor of the proposal is nothing more than what was written in the initial EAF (Environmental Assessment Form) by the Chazen Companies on behalf of Niagara? A form riddled with errors with an ACTION that does not include the entire scope of the project.
I emailed WAMC asking them to cover this ongoing story about a month ago. They did finally have impartial coverage of a public meeting, but there has been no on air discussion or debate. Then I notice that one of their underwriters, The Chazen Companies is working for Niagara. This is a regional and wider environmental issue where the one big source that might bring the debate wider attention has probably been influenced by corporate donor money. WAMC needs to hear from concerned citizens who want them to air a fair and open conversation about this project and it’s long term. wider implications. What about repurposing or decommissioning a plant if and when single use plastic bottled water bans are passed?, water privatization?, normalization of depletion of the watershed?
They want to squeeze out the sponge that is the watershed, and the effect of that is hard to show or prove until the damage is done. There are three locations under consideration. If any of them is built it’s equally bad. NIMBY isn’t enough. The only benefit is the short term cash infusion to the host municipality, so if the project goes through it may as well be here. We have to help each other look down the road to envision how our present actions will look decades from now.
I’d like the Town of Ulster to consider repurposing some of the existing empty infrastructure at Tech City for the coming medical marijuana production NYS is now planning. That is a growth industry, and hemp may follow if we can get out of our own way.
But first the ideas need to circulate.
“In_G0D=JUDGE_We_Trust” that “In_G0D=M0NEY_We_Trust” on our USA & ‘G0P’ “Government 0f Pentagon”
money supply, that was King James 1st Empire RePublic upon ANGL0 C0NQUERED & ARYANIZED ‘Noah’s Ark’
that either continues on this ROAD towards ARMAGEDD0N at the CRASH_LANDING CROSS ROAD STRAIGHT ahead…
As WE VIEWED after WW-II with the GL0BAL_C0RP0RATI0NS to be VIEWED AS THE SAVI0R’S… And the C0RP0RATE_CITIZENRY as the FUTURE_PUBLIC of these these Masonic State RePublic’s…
Now, the question is: How do WE THE PE0PLE PUBLIC of this State RePUBLIC’S compete with G0LIATH claiming that the “C0RP0RATE_GH0ST_PERS0N” is the “KJB_NW0” PUBLIC of this ‘G0D_KJB’ Masonic Star State RePublic’s GET 0UT 0F DEBT while still fulfilling the requirements of Main & Wall Street’s “In_G0D=M0NEY_We_Trust” concept ruling our State RePublic of ‘New_Amsterdam_York’ by enabling employment, that then enables taxes being paid…
Taxes being paid while simultaneously ERASING DEBT into GREEN INVESTMENTS that PR0DUCE LIKE M0NEY TREE’S TransVolutionizing sickness via BI0MIMICRY GREEN & ORGAINIC_ORGANIC interdependent GREEN_INDUSTRY’S that are functioning as OUR PHYSICAL B0DYS FUNCTI0NS when in HEALTHY_ORGAINIC_M0DE….
Even as WE LISTEN to the Christian Fright that were ‘Born_Again’ in 1957 with their erroneous notion that A ROOM FILLED WITH CARBON-MONOXIDE HAS NO CONNECTION TO AUTOMOBILE’S CARBON-MONOXIDE EXHAUST …
And does N0T REQUIRE A WARNING LABEL as C0MMERCIAL never to be questioned CIGARETTE’S have on their packaging.
While the ORGANIC_TOBACCO cigarettes were required to place “WARNING: CARB0N-M0N0XIDE” on the PACKAGED ‘NATURAL or ORGANIC T0BACC0 cigarette’s…
While we ignore the real warning on commercial cigarettes that are EMPHATICALLY STATING: “ALL the chemical is commercial cigarette’s as absolutely GEN0CIDAL_CANCER0US_CHEMICAL in “C0MMERCIAL_G0P_PR0TECTED_CIGARETTE’S” are ABS0LUTELY INTENTI0NAL…
And are intentionally producing GEN0CIDAL SICKNESS MAINTENANCE as a major CASH_C0W industry that is BANKR0LLING 0UR WALLETS and our ‘people~public’ governments TAX_$$$_WALLETS…