By Rebecca Martin
In today’s Freeman editorial, they are spot on to refer the tragedy on New Years Eve in Kingston as a shared responsibility.
For 300 people to come to a location in a residential neighborhood without a single call from the neighbors is a bit unbelievable. In addition, it illustrates a basic need that has been driving home now for the past five years – that our Alderman need to get out into the neighborhoods they represent on a regular basis. That’s an obvious part of the job. A regular meeting for their constituents to discuss relevant issues should be built into their positions in the same way that they are obligated to committees on top of their council seat.
As for placing so much of the blame on the Police department, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Finger pointing isn’t going to solve the problem. Better communication throughout however – will.
I must add, if you are an alderperson doing so, we thank you.