Kingston’s Ward 9 has a most interesting run this election cycle with three fresh candidates running for the Alderman seat.
There are nine wards and nine alderman – and each one is elected by the constituents in their ward. But each Alderman holds an important role that is not only ward centric but city wide as well, holding a seat on the city council. That means, you need to know who they all are no matter what ward you are in. (Did you know that the council, after the recent change in the charter, gives this government body more power than the city Mayor?)
We will post more on our upcoming candidates. Since Ward 9 has been deemed ‘the race to watch’, we’ll begin here.
Ward 9 candidates will debate on September 2nd at Kingston’s City Hall. Ward 9 residents can sign up to speak at 6:30pm. The debate begins at 7pm and is open to all city residents.
Ward 9 candidates, in alphabetical order:
Debbie Brown (Republican/Conservative)
Hayes Clement (Democrat/Independent)
Mark Halwick (Democrat)