What’s the Process?

l/r: Lynn Eckert, Rebecca Martin and Jennifer Schwartz Berky of “What’s the Process”

KingstonCitizens.org “What’s the Process?” is a weekly program that is recorded and broadcast each week and will tackle local City of Kingston and Ulster County topics with a range of guests. Co-hosts include co-founder and Director of KingstonCitizens.org Rebecca Martin, Associate Professor of Political Science at Marist College and KingstonCitizens.org advisory board member Dr. Lynn Eckert and urban planner and KingstonCitizens.org co-founder and advisory board member Jennifer Schwartz Berky.  The three women bring a combined 60 years of experience in municipal, county, state and federal government procedure and process. MORE

Visit KingstonCitizens.org’s YouTube channel to VIEW our ongoing local series.


Episode 1: In this week’s episode (5/3/20), “What’s the Process” discusses remote public meetings, the basics of the Open Meetings Law, and the Governor’s Executive Order guaranteeing the public’s right to continued access to their government during the COVID-19 crisis.

Episode 2: In this week’s episode (5/10/20), “What’s the Process” discusses the Pike Plan: How It Was Rebuilt and Why.

Episode 3: In this week’s episode (5/17/20), “The Fourth Estate: How Do We Continue to Perform this Role in a Crisis?, a conversation with Geddy Sveikauskas

Episode 4: In this week’s episode (5/24/20), “Kingston’s Charter: Is it time for a new one?”

Episode 5: In this week’s episode (5/31/20), “Rent, Mortgages and the Housing Crisis in the City of Kingston”, a conversation with Alex Panagiotopoulos of the Kingston Tenants Union

Episode 6: In this week’s episode (6/7/20), “Walking through the local law process in the City of Kingston”, a conversation with City of Kingston Council President Andrea Shaut

Episode 7: In this week’s episode (6/10/20), “Policing Legislation in Kingston”, a conversation with Council woman Rita Worthington (Ward 4) and Jeffrey Ventura-Morell (Ward 1)

Episode 8: In this week’s episode (6/14/20), “Pharmaceuticals and other Unregulated contaminants in the Hudson and Rondout Creek” with Dan Shapley, Director of the Water Quality Program at Riverkeeper.

Episode 9: In this week’s episode (6/21/20), “Comprehensive Plan Rezoning and What Form-Based Code Means” with Kingston resident and advocate Tanya Garment.  

Episode 10: In this week’s episode (6/28/20), “Why Single Stream Recycling Can’t Move us to Zero Waste” with Tracy Frisch, Independent Journalist and citizen activist.

Episode 11: In this week’s episode (7/5/20), “The Problems and the Process of Dam Removal” with George Jackman PhD, Senior Habitat Restoration Manager at Riverkeeper.