“You know there has been a fair amount of public input on the project…” (laughs).
“I’ve had bullhorns in my face, Dennis. I got it.”
At a recent Kingston Planning Board meeting, the Kingstonian development team provided an overview of the current project in preparation for a full presentation for the planning board and the public on Monday, May 9. Following the presentation, a public hearing has been scheduled on Tuesday, May 17 for the public to weigh in on the project’s site plan and special use permit approval.
The Kingstonian project development team was present that evening and that included Dennis Larios (President of the Engineering firm Brinnier & Larios), Michael Moriello (Environmental Attorney) and developer Brad Jordan (Herzog Supply Company). Absent again was JM development principal Joseph Bonura. Brad Jordan explained that they had a new partner since they presented their original application, a developer from South Carolina who would be helping to build and finance the project.
Some of the notable items discussed that evening include:
- The Kingstonian developers said that they have brought in another partner since the original application was made. It is a developer from South Carolina who will help to build and finance the project. LISTEN
- The parking number was (finally) confirmed by the developers. Dennis Larios committed to create 427 parking spaces LISTEN
- 143 spots, one per residential unit, will have a spot
- 296 for the public
- Hotel will operate with a valet off site
- Special deed parking garage: 83.5
READ: The Kingstonian Project will require 343.5 parking spaces per Kingston’s zoning code
- Jordan said that there were 1500 spots at Herzog Plaza for overflow. Valet parking will take cars to the plaza. Larios did a calculation of the available parking at the plaza based on the Kingston zoning code. LISTEN
- The Kingstonian will charge the same hourly parking as the city, though the monthly rate has still not been finalized according to Kingstonian developer Brad Jordan. LISTEN
- The Kingstonian’s small swimming pool, barbecue area and dog park will all be moved to the roof. LISTEN
- The City of Kingston water department has done hybrid flood tests at the site because it will require a fire pump and domestic service pump as a multi-story project. LISTEN
- The developers said that they had promised during the SEQR process to take as much gravity sewer to the truck station at Frog Alley which they have accomplished. They will also be collecting and treating the stormwater as a redevelopment project with a hydrodynamic separator on the east and west campus in a small rain garden. LISTEN
- The pedestrian walkway to the plaza is going to be open for the same hours as Kingston City Parks. “We’re basically treating it like a city park but we’re flexible” LISTEN
- There will be a delivery drop off zone in front of the Senate Garage and in the back of the building inside the plaza so that deliveries aren’t blocking a lane of traffic. LISTEN
- According to Larios, in 2020, the state adopted a stricter energy code. The city adopted what’s called a “stretch code: which is stricter yet. “Not many designers have worked with the stretch coach in the United States. It’s coming over from Europe code people are having to get up to speed with it but the design team is dealing with the stretch code right now as we speak with the thermal envelope and all the other requirements in that code and it will likely be an all-electric building as well vehicle spaces…” LISTEN
- The site plan will be referred to the Ulster County planning board, City of Kingston Engineering, Water Board and Parks and Recreation. LISTEN