“Why does the city suggest that SEQR is viewed as a barrier when it’s a passive voice? By whom is it viewed as a barrier? The language should be more specific if that is the case….The environmental reviews are a part of doing business. A municipality should be careful about characterizing it negatively in a report as it is something that protects the environment, economic and social factors in our community.” – a comment from the public during the recent workshop re: the five year CDBG Consolidated Strategic Plan
By Rebecca Martin
Last week, KingstonCitizens.org in partnership with the Kingston Tenants Union and the Kingston Land Trust hosted a public comment workshop event for the Five-Year CDGB Consolidated Plan, Fair Housing Plan, and Annual Action Plan Federal Fiscal (2019). With about 20 citizens in attendance, the group outlined 57 new comments that we’ll be submitting (along with more we hope) when the public comment closes on May 15th.
The City of Kingston extended the public comment deadline for 10 days (to May 15th) on the afternoon of our workshop. This will allow the public more time to look over and to comment on the plan. It’s so important for the public to do so, as it is only created just once every five years.
You can join us by reviewing the materials below that include: the three hour workshop where many questions were addressed and the following materials:
Kingston 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan_DRAFT
We have created a public document and invite citizens to add your comments in your native language. Please locate an empty line and provide us with your name, city and comment.
GOOGLE DOC: Public Comments for CDBG Consolidated Strategy Plan (due date: 5/15/19)
You can also submit comments to: Brenna Robinson, Director of Economic and Community Development at brobinson@kingston-ny.gov by Wednesday, May 15th.
A very special thank you to The Idea Garden for hosting our event, Tanya Garment, Sebastian Pilliteri, Rashida Tyler, Julia Farr, Ted Griese, Brenna Robinson, Jeffrey Morell, Rita Washington, Tony Davis, Jennifer Schwartz Berky and Guy Kempe for their support and assistance.
Video by The Kingston News brought to you by KingstonCitizens.org.
The exact language you reference has been in the comprehensive plan for many many cycles of reports. As former community development director I asked the author of this language and it was much broader to reflect national trends related to mobility of capital to areas of the country (outside of ny) with few perceived barriers to entry.
Thank you Jen!