By Rebecca Martin
On Saturday, January 28th from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, KingstonCitizens.org will host an educational forum on the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project. Our end goal for the day will be to clarify what are the important next steps in SEQRA for citizens living in potentially impacted communities of the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project in Ulster County.
Until then, and after which (up until the scoping document arrives), here is a simple call to action that you can take to help your community prepare for the upcoming draft scoping document.
Although this effort is specific to our region, what we are working to accomplish can easily be applied to all of those living in potentially impacted communities up and down the proposed corridor of the Pilgrim Pipelines project. Imagine if we could create a strong push for citizens to call their elected officials and request the scoping process was placed high on their list and to prepare in advance? What an impact it could make in the State of New York and New Jersey!
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. VIEW our event on Facebook
Local Call To Action: Your role in State Environmental Review Act (SEQRA) and the “Scoping” Process for the Proposed Pilgrim Pipelines.
On September 14, 2016, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), the co-lead agencies for the environmental review of the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project, issued a positive declaration in SEQRA.
“A positive declaration, or “pos dec”, is a determination by the lead agency[s] that an action may result in one or more significant environmental impacts and so will require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before agency decisions may be made regarding the action.”
In addition to the pos dec, the co-lead agencies agreed to initiate a scoping process and extend the comment period for the draft scope once it is publically available. The purpose of a scoping comment period is to offer the public and interested parties the option to offer their feedback and “help determine the scope of subjects that will be studied in the DEIS concerning the Pilgrim Pipelines.” The DEIS is the primary source of environmental information to help involved agencies consider environmental concerns in making decisions about a proposed action. The DEIS examines the nature and extent of an action that is identified as a potential environmental impact, as well as steps that could be taken to avoid or minimize these impacts.
VIEW: FAQ Sheet on the SEQR “Scoping” Process.
In Ulster County, if you live in the City of Kingston, Town of Ulster, Town of Marlborough, Town of Lloyd, Town of Esopus, Town of Saugerties, Town of Rosendale, Village and Town of New Paltz or Town of Plattekill, then you are one of the potentially impacted communities listed in the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project and are considered an ‘Involved’ Agency in SEQRA.
1) LOCATE the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project’s desired path through your community. VIEW and scroll down to find Ulster County. From there, locate your municipality.
2) Are you a citizen living in any of the listed potentially impacted communities? If you are, continue reading. If you are not, but you are an Ulster County resident, please go to #4.
CALL and/or WRITE your Town Supervisor or your Village/City Mayor. Include your Council or Board Member President or Chair, too. REQUEST that they make commenting on the upcoming draft ‘Scope’ document a priority by taking a proactive approach to identify potential impacts of the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines project that are UNIQUE to your community.
CITY OF KINGSTON: Mayor Steve Noble (845) 334-3902
TOWN OF ULSTER: Supervisor James Quigley (845) 382-2765
TOWN OF MARLBORO: Supervisor Al Lanzetta 845-795-5100 Ext. 2
TOWN OF LLOYD: Supervisor Paul J. Hansut 845-691-2144
TOWN OF ESOPUS: Supervisor Diane McCord 845-331-0676
TOWN OF SAUGERTIES: Greg Helsmoortel 845-246-2800 x 345
TOWN OF ROSENDALE: Jeanne L. Walsh 845-658-3159 ext. 3
VILLAGE OF NEW PALTZ (Interested Agency): Mayor Tim Rogers (845) 255-0130
TOWN OF NEW PALTZ: Supervisor Neil Bettez: 845-255-0604
TOWN OF PLATTEKILL: Supervisor Joseph Croce 845-883-7331 ext. 11
These items include: Land use, zoning and public policy; Vegetation and wildlife; Geology, soils and topography; Storm water, waste water; Water Supply, drinking water, water surface water, ground water; Wetlands; Cultural and Historical resources; Solid waste; Air quality; Noise; Community character, community services; Socioeconomic, fiscal. (Click the image attached to view the Town of Rosendale’s document. Suggest that it could be used as a model for community).
3) DISCUSS with your elected officials who could help to prepare your community document. Does your town or city have a Conservation Advisory Council? Could your local planning department be of assistance? Visit your local municipal website to find contacts and phone numbers.
4) CALL the Ulster County government offices and request that the county as an “Involved” Agency in SEQRA help to coordinate all Ulster County potentially impacted localities in the draft “Scoping” process:
Office of Ulster County Executive Mike Hein (845) 340-3800
Ulster County Legislator: Chairman Kenneth J. Ronk, Jr. (845) 566-7663
Ulster County Legislator: Majority Leader Mary Beth Maio (845) 546-7878
Ulster County Legislator: Minority Leader Hector S. Rodriguez (845) 401-2000
Ulster County Legislator: Energy and Environment Committee Chair Richard A. Parete (845) 687-4255
Ulster County Legislator: Energy and Environment Committee Deputy Chairwoman Tracey A. Bartels (845) 255-0804