By Rebecca Martin
Recently, it was reported that The Chazen Companies (Niagara Bottling Company’s consultant for the proposed Niagara Water Bottling project) requested an additional 30 days to submit their scoping document (originally due on December 22nd, thirty days from which Lead Agency was determined).
At last night’s Town of Ulster Town Board meeting, however a new resolution was not passed that would have indicated any changes to the Town of Ulster’s (as Lead Agency) original SEQR schedule. will follow this closely by keeping up with the Town of Ulster’s Town Clerk daily to learn and confirm whether or not the Chazen Companies has or will turn in their scoping document prior to January 22nd.
In the meantime, we are pleased to share letters from both Scenic Hudson and Alderman (and Majority Leader) Matt Dunn of the Kingston Common Council who submitted letters to the Town of Ulster in support of our request of a minimum of 60 days for public comment in the SEQR scoping process.
All eyes on SEQR now, Kingston citizens – and in working to provide you with the proper time required to respond.
Letter from Scenic Hudson:

From Matt Dunn, City of Kingston Ward 1 Alderman and Majority Leader:

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