By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
The Town of Ulster Planning Board from 10/21/14. Special thanks to Clark Richters of Kingston News for capturing the evening.
By Rebecca Martin
Over the past four weeks, which was created almost a decade ago to help to connect Kingston residents to its local government so to encourage transparency and better communication, has become the hub for information for our entire region regarding the proposed Niagara Bottling Company project.
Without a doubt, the project concerns are many. But it is the potential of selling our most precious natural resource – the public’s water to a national bottling company – that is our most pressing concern. Sure, many of us would like to eliminate plastic bottles. Some may not be fond of ‘Corporate America’ (as Supervisor Quigley proclaimed last week on-air). But the real problem here….is the concept of selling off the public’s WATER to a national bottling company. You can’t compare it to beer, to milk, to soda. We are talking about millions and millions of gallons of water each day being drained from our water source. There isn’t any comparison.
Kingston Common Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 4th, 2014
Kingston City Hall
Council Chambers
420 Broadway
Kingston, NY
The Kingston Common Council will vote to pass through two important memorializing resolutions. The first in support of the DEC as Lead Agency of the SEQR process for the proposed Niagara Bottling Company. The second in support of the City of Kingston being listed as ‘involved’ agency in the SEQR process. READ: SEQR: Interested vs. Involved Agencies