Take a Healthy and Green Pledge

By Arthur Zaczkiewicz


Long time, no hear – from me. Sorry I’ve been away for so long.

Much has happened since I’ve edited and posted to this blog. I’ve got much on my mind. One thing weighing me down is the weight of Kingston’s children, who are above average in regard to being overweight and obese. That’s dark news for their current health and their future health. I don’t have to tell you that obesity leads to heart disease, cancer and other ailments.

The good news is that there are a group agencies and non-profits working on reversing this trend. The Healthy Kingston for Kids project – led by Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County – is looking at creating safe routes to schools for kids and initiating a complete streets policy, among other things. The idea is to get kids walking and biking more. Check out the City of Kingston webpage here to learn more.

What’s interesting about this project is that it also serves as a way to address climate change. Walking and biking are awesome for the environment as well as your health, which leads me to the recent manmade disaster in the Gulf. BP’s big spill is a sore reminder why we need to cease our dependency on fossil fuels.

I’m sure there’s a bunch of folks wondering what they can do to help. Valeria Gheorghiu, an environmental and immigration law attorney based in Kingston who is also an ardent activist, suggests gathering volunteers and busing down to the Gulf region. Shore birds and other wildlife as well as people need our help.

But there are other things we can do right here in Kingston. For one, we can support the climate smart and green jobs pledge – an initiative of Kingston’s Conservation Advisory Council (see this page for more details). We can also do something on a more personal level by vowing to walk or bike more.

How about making that vow with me? Consider taking this pledge by signing your name as a comment below:

I vow to walk or take my bike to work, school, to do shopping or to do other chores at least once a week during the summer. I do this for my health, for my family, for my community, for the Earth.

3 thoughts on “Take a Healthy and Green Pledge”

  1. I take the vow to show support, since I do this and then some already, but I’ll add the following friendly amendment for myself: “and autumn.”


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