By Arthur Zaczkiewicz
Did you see this pic of the new CVS on Rebecca Martin’s Facebook page? The “poetic justice” as described in the caption is spot on. A chain store’s impact on a community can have long-term negative effects. Most obviously is the fact that profits generated by a chain store aren’t reinvested into the local economy as is the case with local, independent businesses. This is at the core of why shopping and buying local contributes to the creation of a sustainable community.
If you have a minute, please comment here on the local businesses you support:
Personally I have a list of local favs…. Fleishers for meat, Bop to Tottem for gifts, KNF for more and more foods lately (omg you *must* try the homemade hummus and the organic nectars gelato!), schnieders jewelers, full circle…and I’ll go so far as to also plug Knightly Endeavors NOT because of the costumes but for basic alterations of clothing too.
I love our local businesses. We have some truly great ones that I would put up against any in other cities in which I have lived: Seattle, San Francisco, Richmond, Va., etc. And like everywhere else, it’s not just the products they sell but, the level of service they provide and the respect they show the local community. Tops in my book among them is Keegan Ales. Say what you will about the virtues of selling alcoholic beverages but, Tommy Keegan and his crew have been constant in their efforts to give back to the community. Go to virtually any major fundraising event and you are likely to enjoy a Keegan ale that has been generously donated. Personally, I have asked Tommy at least four or five times if he would consider donating beer for an event and, he came through every time. He is a gracious, affable host and that is mirrored in his staff.
Oh yeah….the beer is good too. If you haven’t had a Joe Mama Stout, man, you just haven’t lived! http://www.keeganales.com
ps….i also support Kingston Natural Foods Market but I’ll leave it to someone else to provide comment on that!
I use Kingston Alterations for all of my sewing needs, Adams Fairacre and Davenport’s(traffic circle) for my produce, La Bella Pasta for fresh pasta on Rt.28, patronize my favorite Kingston Restaurants, and use a local contractor/repairs. Really local as they are located in Ward 9.-Clean Sheen Services. I hire a lawn service located in Ward 9-Ron Kozlowski. Plus I love some of the wines produced in the Hudson Valley and frequent the vineyards doing the seasons. Love the selections of wines at Madden’s. I am looking forward to the opening of the Irish Pub in the Rondout.
I purchase my insurance(home,life,car and etc.) from local agents. I do not buy on the internet when it comes to those products.