Were you aware that the Kingston Library has an upcoming election and budget vote?
Attached is the proposed budget, trustee bios and a letter to all Kingston citizens from Kingston Library Director Margie Menard.
Please mark your calendars to vote!
– Rebecca Martin
Kingston Library’s trustee election and budget vote will be Tuesday June 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the library at 55 Franklin Street.
We have three openings on the board with two incumbents leaving the board and a third incumbent running for election along with two new candidates. Leaving the board are Jane Riley and Emilie Hauser who have each completed a three year term. Standing for election this year for three year terms beginning July 2010 are Jane Eisenberg, Heather Ohlson and David Rolfe.
In addition to electing trustees, voters will be asked to approve a tax appropriation of $691,868 to support library operations in 2011. This represents an increase of $33,000 over the appropriation for 2010 or 5%. The average tax share per household would be about $50.00 annually depending on individual assessments. The largest increase in the proposed 2011 budget will be an increase of $6,400 to support personnel expenses. Another area seeing a significant increase, $5,750, is library materials and programming. As part of the library’s long range plan, additional resources are being allocated to support circulating materials including newer formats such as downloadable audio books as well as allowing us to keep up with the increasing costs for DVDs, music CDs and books. Also in keeping with our long range plan, additional library assets are being deployed in support of educational and recreational programs for teens and adults. Kingston Library has long been known for providing quality programming for young children and we are expanding our program offerings to include more residents of all ages. It is interesting to note that due to a number of energy saving measures enacted over the last several years and funded by the bond approved by city residents in 2005, the library has been able to reduce the budget line allocated for fuels and utilities.
While we are proposing a 5% increase in our tax appropriation, I would like to mention that the library has seen an increase in usage of more than 10% from 2008 to 2009 as demonstrated by circulation statistics. We have also experienced similar increases in program attendance and public internet computer usage.
We are pleased to be able to support the Kingston community at a time when more individuals and families than ever before are turning to the public library for assistance with job searching, academic advancement, literacy skills, and community information. The proposed 2011 budget will allow the library to continue to provide such services to residents and allow us to help residents keep pace with the ever expanding world of information.
Voters should feel free to contact the library director or current trustees with any questions. Contact information can be found at the Kingston Library website.
Thanks, Rebecca, for helping to get the word out about the library election. I forgot to mention that there will be a public presentation of the proposed budget and an opportunity to meet our trustee candidates on Thursday May 20th at 6:00 at the library. I’d love to see people there and have a chance to answer any questions you might have.
Margie Menard
Director, Kingston Library