We lost one of our weekend soup kitchens on Pine Grove avenue located inside of the Church of the Holy Cross in Kingston. It’s the kind of loss that will no doubt be a major hit to our growing families in need. It was reported that they do hope to be up and running again in the future. Whatever the case, a big thank you is in order for Rev. Charles Arlin, his staff and all of the volunteers for providing food to those in need since 2002.
I want to ask our members to do one small thing right now. Take a moment to make plans to lend a hand; or to make donation of money or food to a local soup kitchen or food pantry near you.
For Kingstonians, consider Queens Galley who are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – offering three meals each day to anyone in need. No questions asked. I expect Diane to have more mouths to feed starting immediately due to Holy Cross’s kitchen closing. Can you help? Visit QUEENS GALLEY for more.
Other favorite and helpful locations is Chiz’s Heart Street on West Chestnut Street in Kingston. Chiz organizes a food pantry for those in need. We recently featured her on the KingstonCitizens.org blog. Visit: LEND A HAND TO HEART STREET
Below is a pretty comprehensive list of other soup kitchens and food pantries in the area. If there are any that you find are missing, feel free to add them in the comment section of this post.
– Rebecca Martin
Caring Hands Meal Site and Food Pantry
Clinton Avenue Methodist Church, 122 Clinton Avenue, Kingston NY
845-331-7188 Darleen Kelley Pastor
Lunch served Monday thru Friday about noon. Offerings range from the epicurean (a peppered split pea soup that they ought to bottle) through the misguided (slippery slop, a lovely dish you get when you don’t drain overcooked spaghetti before adding the sauce.) After lunch, the diners are given a choice of prepackaged goods from local supermarkets such as cookies, pies, brie cheese, salads, birthday cakes, quiches, etc.. There is also a table offering unlimited bread products and fruits and veggies in season. On request, a bag of food to take home will be given from the food pantry. If I manage to get it together, this will be the location for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, a pet food pantry. Ambience of a medium security prison. Usual pronouncement, “If you don’t like eating here, go to the Blue Light Diner.”
Catholic Charities (two food pantry locations)
Patricia LaRue, director Mary Francis, Manager.
St. Joseph’s Mission Church Connifer Lane,
Hurley, NY
Extensive food pantry (and even more extensive free clothing distribution!!) Open to the public Monday and Tuesday, 10-2 and Wednesday, 10-noon. Free clothing store only on Mondays. Consumers cn get two bags of food once a month (or sometimes more if they have a good enough story.) Offerings include peanut butter, frozen chopped meat, canned stew, canned fruits and veggies, and occasionally yogurt, cottage cheese, bread, or other items depending on availability. Also soap, toothpaste, and personal care items such as diapers, sanitary pads, mouthwash. Fresh fruit and veggies always welcome. Free clothing and food outreach on variousWednesdays at 1pm at the Everette Hodge MidTown Neighborhood Center on Prospect Street.
Special Needs Food Pantry
59 Pearl Street, Kingston, NY
Doctor’s note required. Food pantry for diabetics, hypertension, obestiy, or other conditions requiring a special diet. Open Tuesday from 11 am to 3 p.m.
Animal Hospice of NY
PO Box 1463, Kingston, NY 12402
Bruce Van Bramer, Director
This not-for-profit distributes food donated by area supermarkets. It primarily distributes the food to OTHER not-for-profits, such as Family of Woodstock. However, sometimes distributions on a limited basis of human and animal food can be arranged through the director, depending on his supply, which fluctuates. Because this location does active composting and feeding of farm animals such as pigs and goats, it welcomes donations of produce that is not quite ready for prime time.
The Queen’s Galley
254 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY
Diane Reeder, director
Meal site only. Serves three meals a day, 365 days a year. Including a mind-blowing thanksgiving banquet. China dishes, fabric tablecloths, real silverware, nutrition lessons. Meals served at 8a.m., 12 noon, and 5p.m.. Atmosphere of a rather hectic restaurant.
Pointe of Praise Family Life Center
243 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY
Sandra Giles, Pantry Director
Monday through Friday, 9a.m. to 3 p.m. Superb access for persons with mobility challenges, but its out of town a bit.
Salvation Army of Ulster County
35 Cedar Street, Kingston, NY
Open 9a.m. to noon daily
Peoples’ Place
Corner Broadway and St. James’s Street
Kingston, NY
Peter Quinlan, Director
Food pantry open Mon. through Friday, 10a.m to 1 p.m. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. It’s like applying for welfare. Also produce and bread occasionally available in the thrift shop that offers used clothing for sale. Wheelchair accessible.
St. James’s United Methodist Church
Corner Fair Street and Pearl
Kingston, NY
The “new kid on the block” food pantry, available Sundays from 11a.m. to 2 p.m.
Kingston Seventh Day Adventist Church
24 West Union Street
Kingston, NY
“Soup and Bread” meal site, Sunday’s at 11am – 2pm.
32 John Street, Kingston, NY
Michael Berg, Director
Does not have food distribution in Kingston, but does have it in Woodstock, New Patlz, Ellenville, and other locations. In Kingston will give a ticket good for some groceries at Hannaford. In Woodstock, every time you stop in there is coffee and pie or cake and free sandwiches available and a warm welcome, and FREE CLOTHING, tons of it.
Community Action
70 Lindsley Street, Kingston, NY
Provides services to the underprivileged including locating food sources.
Hi, thanks for the local updates. Sorry to hear about the loss of the Pine Grove program. Martha’s Table is located at 629 Princess St and we provide lunches and hot meals Monday to Friday year round. Meals are $1.00 and include soup or salad with dinner roll, the main meal, dessert, coffee/tea/juice. Lunch is no charge. We are a non funded program but we would be happy to help with the over flow if needed. Call if you would like more information at 613-546-0320. Thank you, Ronda Candy, Managing Director
Also now open:
Port Ewen Food Pantry
at the Town of Esopus United Methodist Church
W. Main & Green St, Port Ewen
Open Sundays 12pm-1pm and Fridays 10am-12pm
You are a little right it is Friday and Saturday 10-12
The “new kid on the block” at St. James United Methodist Church has been in operation since December 2008. We are open Sundays only from 2:00 to 4:00PM and have a clientele of 100 families per week on average. Our name is “Happy to Help Food Pantry” and we are truly happy to help the hungry in Kingston.
New Central Baptist Church said they hadn’t had a food pantry in about five years.
Thank you. We have amended the list.
Queens Galley has been closed for years. Chiz’s Heart Place is where Queens Galley used to be. Not on Chestnut Street anymore.
Yes – and this article is from 2009. We’ve been around for a long time!
Thanks for being in touch.
I am so grateful to kingstoncitizes, and Rebecca, for posting this list of pantries and free meal sights.
I have contacted Bruce.who runs Animal Hospice, in Lake Katrine. I will be bringing him some needed food, for the animals he cares for.