Garden City

There’s much going on in Europe centering on living life without crude oil while reducing electric use and waste generation. In Germany, Great Britain, and other countries there, solar polar and clean energy are top priorities, and sustainability is not just a buzzword, but an employed strategy.

On the food front, there was a recent conference in England that focused on planning for urban farming. Speakers discussed the challenges of transforming London into a food-producing urban city. Check out this column for the full report.

For London, the hurdles are huge. After all, it’s a big city. But I wonder if such concept would work in a small place, like Kingston. In some respects, we’ve already taken the first few steps. Rebecca Martin and the garden committee of the Kingston Land Trust promote community, city and school gardens as well as Victory Gardens for homeowners. Their vision is simple: let’s have a food garden at every home and in our schools and parks.

Of course this is a long-term project that takes time, volunteers and support from local municipalities. But the seeds are already planted and the work has begun, which is why volunteering for this effort is a worthwhile endeavor — we need your help for it to grow.

In the meantime, can you imagine Kingston growing enough food to feed all its residents? I can.

— Arthur Zaczkiewicz

2 thoughts on “Garden City”

  1. And naturally/organically grown PESTICIDE FREE it called creative management: this gets planted next to that beacuse ____________ Ah, as we reenter the world of dialogue,

    Very well said Arthur! As that bumper sticker I keep seeing around town says: “GREEN HISTORY BEGINS IN ULSTER COUNTY, USA

  2. Great article on Kingston becoming a Garden City in today’s Freeman. Years ago in the Kingston Point area where I was raised all families had gardens. Fresh fruits and vegetables always available and shared with neighbors. Thank you Rebecca Martin for all you do for our community


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