What Worries Us

According to this article today, the Kingston Planning Board is set to vote on April 13 on the environmental findings statement for AVR’s Hudson Landing project, which is on the site of the Tilcon property. This would be the last step for the project to move forward. This project has been years in the making, and involved many reviews and hearings.

From AVR’s point of view, the timing could have been better, I think. With the housing market wallowing in a deep hole while the recession works its way through the global market, home buying is low on a consumer’s list of priorities. Then again, last week housing starts in the U.S. spiked a bit, which sent stocks into a rally.

As with any economic measure, consistency will prove if this turn in housing is real or not.

In the meantime, developers should be looking at consumer confidence to gauge where the housing market is headed. Since two-thirds of our economic engine is driven by consumer spending, how the consumer feels and thinks is critical. Consumer sentiment is king in this environment.

As many have already pointed out, this recession has reset the consumer mindset. What was important last year is not so important now. The biggest worry now is job and job security. Until this changes, we’re likely to see the housing market and the retail market pretty much stay where it is.

— Arthur Zaczkiewicz

1 thought on “What Worries Us”

  1. Mixed use or commercial/residential is not the issue; homes being designed for in-home based businesses is the issue! Being environmentally friendly built is the issue: Multi-Chemical-Sensitivity is the issue……… Will AVR build this development is the issue. AVR’s 7 year process is directly their fault & directly the fault of the Kingston Planning board for not stipulating guidline. These 2 waterfront developments are DISATERS WAITING TO HAPPEN & welcomed by the in waiting hospital system! The only progress being offered is the progress of the SICKNES INDUSTRIES……. If the sites below do not open,please contact me at pgurrieri@verizon.net

    MAY IS Multi Chemical Sensitivity AWARENESS MONTH 2009.doc, Letter to MCS people re Senator Miller’s MCS bill.doc, DRAFT Language for MCS Awareness Month Bill from Ohio Senator Dale Miller.doc, Deceived , Disabled LEGAL PAPER NADD Bulletin Volume X Number 6.doc, MCS Awareness Month FINAL Release 2009, April.doc


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