Toward Common Business Goals

From Kevin Quilty of KUBA:

As newly elected President of the Kingston Uptown Business Assn., I have committed myself to securing the necessary funding and establishing the Main Street Manager position to represent the 3 business districts under the recently reconstituted Business Alliance of Kingston (BAC).

Three reps from each of the 3 districts (9 total) currently serve on this board and have been meeting regularly to garner the necessary political strength to make our voices heard to the members of the Common Council and the Mayor. There are Community Development Block Grant Funds available which we hope to use as seed money over a two year period to fill the position, establish hard and fast goals for some measure of success and then make the position self sustaining through assessments of the businesses.

It is an about face for us to finally raise our heads up from our own turf and come together to solve some common issues as a full fledged business group. We would love your support in terms of letters to Common Council members or the Mayor and would be happy to supply you with additional information should you request it. There will be a public hearing at City Hall on March 10 at 6 pm. We will be asking for $50K each for two years to establish this position from CDBG funds which we fully qualify for and then will be on our own.

I welcome any comments/questions from you about this bold initiative. The time has come for us to work as a community to solve our own problems and show the greater business area that we are alive and aware and focusing on building a better business environment for all of us.

2 thoughts on “Toward Common Business Goals”

  1. Arthur,

    Questions regarding the bringing together of all three business associations on Ward 8’s Yahoo! Group….

    Can you take a peek and perhaps offer insight?


  2. I’m curious as to how many were at BSP last evening regarding the Ulster County Progressive Coalition: Building A Green Economy is the Mid Hudson Valley? +/- 200 people were there and the attentiveness was truly inspirational……..! Had we any idea that such a crowd would be there, we would have set up in the back stage area!

    The evening was a true Beginning after al long looooong loooooooong start…………!

    There is one thing lacking to why our city is not busy with commerce; no it is not the Pike Plan that needs to be torn down & they will come! Yes, I agree that TAX for the Pike Plan should be shared by the whole city.

    Did any of you ever hear of Marketing? No, not advertizing – marketing! Don’t have any idea what I am speaking about; don’t have any concept of entering into thought; took buzy thinking? There is no marketing firm out there to bring us forward! A few politicians were there because Maurice Hincheywas going to be there,; people were there to listen & learn; listen & learn is what we did & there is no better diet until natural/orgainic diets are affordable………..

    Wait until we get to the cross road & we will find our nation a thin layer of cosmetics on the non-stop roadway to “sickness as usual.”

    We need & must have an administration that understands the bulding of an economy in the valley that will set the example giving SUNY New Paltz the cause & reason to open the College of the Echological Arts………… When the 3 districts come together, is the Spanish-American & African-Amercan community going to be there? Are they being invited – no, they are NOT going to show up on their own!

    I’m might proud of what I observed last evening & all that were there sould be mighty proud. What a pleasure it was to see so many of our youth with their parents & the pleasure of observing their body language as they intently listened; hold your heads up high, be proud of your understanding that there are true alternatives when we step out-of the-box/present into the NOW……!

    4 STEPS to building new age GREEN economies”
    1. Pesticide Free
    2. Environmentally friendly built
    3. Convert the farms to organic
    4. Convet the ranches to organic

    With steps 1 & 2, we have the footings & foundation for true economies & with it the marketability of welcoming NOW age families with likewise brains coming together to let the world know that there really are true American’s in the land of FEAR…………

    No, I am not criticizing; offering other perspectives from someone that was involved in the local business world since 1954 when Rondout was still booming & businesses COMPLIMENTED each other; then came the era of synthetic foods, corporate sprawl & put your competition out of business!

    philip gurrieri


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