I just finished reading “The Transition Handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience” and must say that there are some bright and creative minds out there who are creating viable solutions for climate change and toward creating sustainable communities.
This means creating communities that can generate its own power, feed itself and thrive in the next century and beyond.
The author, Rob Hopkins, tackles critical issues with humor and positivity despite the fact that the clock is ticking. Since this is a handbook, Hopkins supplies us with steps for change and includes insights from thought leaders on a variety of topics to help communities make a transition from oil dependency to sustainability.
Of note is an essay on the psychology of change, which asserts that change occurs in steps, in small incremental ways.
The cover of the book illustrates a before and after view of a city block, very much looking like Kingston, I might add. In the before image, there are fuel-eating cars, vans and SUVs as well as a “Superstore.”
In the after image, all of that is replaced with wind generators, greenhouses, bicycles, gardens and people interacting in a local market. It’s a vision of positive change, and worth considering.
— Arthur Zaczkiewicz
I wanted to extend a personal invite to you – to say a few words, if you like – at the Inauguration Party at the Muddy Cup on Jan 20 – from 7:30-10PM. The party will include some open mike time (community activists and poets) and some Karaoke (just for fun!) time!
Please pass the word along, as well! Everyone is welcome – and it should be a good time [and a great way to celebrate this historic event!]
Thank You,
Thank you, and yes, I will love to speak. By the way, I enjoy your blog. It is relevant, thoughtful and creative.
Others can check it out at:
Thanks much! You have a nifty blog going (I just discovered it) as well.
I will write down your name on the list of people scheduled to speak – and be in touch again as the event gets closer.