The O-Yeah (Organization Yielding an end to Animal Homelessness)

By Rebecca Martin

Last week on my way into Mother Earth Storehouse in Kingston, there was a young man selling pies – and delicious looking pies of all sorts that included vegan recipes – in the entranceway. He was gentle and soft spoken with the crowd that had gathered to check out the goods and to learn of a new organization that he was a founder of called “the O-Yeah: the organization yielding on end to animal homelessness“.  Their aim is noble and makes a lot of sense by working to end pet overpopulation in the city of Kingston. It’s a perfect illustration of hyper local, which in my estimation is what we all need to get back to in our efforts and endeavors.

An organization after my own heart, I waited my turn to speak to him to learn more of what they were up to.

So here’s the deal. This big hearted and intelligent crew bake pies out of their professional kitchen as a part in raising money  to purchase a location in midtown Kingston.  They have a website that is as interactive as it is informative. You can become a member and use their forum to get advice, support and to learn of how you can help.

I love this concept and wish them the very best. Perhaps we’ll conduct an interview one of these days when they get further along so that we can learn more about several of the extraordinary youth in the city of Kingston.

Until then, check out their pies.  Seriously.